St. Alban the Martyr

Institution of Fr Gerry Sykes

29 Oct 2017 • General news

On Friday 20th October our new Vicar Fr Gerry Sykes was instituted as incumbent of the parish by the Rt Rev'd David Urquhart, Bishop of Birmingham.

Bishop David presents the Deed of Institution to Fr Gerry

The bishop annoints Fr Gerry

Fr Gerry receives a folder about the history of our parish from an older member of our congregation

Fr Gerry receives a large Bible from a member of our congregation

Fr Gerry receives bread and wine from young members of our congregation

Fr Gerry receives a symbol of music from our Organ Scholar

Fr Gerry receives a presentation from the head girl and head boy of Ark St Alban's Academy

Fr Gerry is Chaplain to the Academy as well as Vicar of the parish.