St. Alban the Martyr

Choir Vestry Renovated

16 Mar 2025 • General news

On 11th March 2025 our project to renovate our Choir Vestry reached practical completion.

When the church opened in 1881 the floor of the choir vestry consisted of wooden blocks laid on a thin screed over the clay on which the church is built. These rotted and were replaced at an uncertain date with a floor consisting of a terrazzo composition. In 1971 the terrazzo was covered with vinyl tiles. After more than 50 years, the vinyl tiles were in poor condition, and were found, like many of their age, to contain asbestos. After removing the tiles for safe disposal, it was clear that the underlying terrazzo floor was no longer fit for use and plans were made to install a completely new floor, incorporating thermal insulation, with quarry tiles to match the dignity of the architecture.

Excavating the floor down to the underlying clay

New tiles, new lights and fresh paint

At the same time the opportunity was take to replace obsolete fluorescent tube lighting, located high in the roof, with modern LED lighting of heritage appearance at a more convenient level.

Both tiles and light fittings were donated, with other funding from past bequests.

The choir members look forward to moving back into their vestry from their temporary home with vestments stored in the church and music stored in the hall.